Didier Schnorhk Chairman

Didier Schnorhk, General Secretary of the Geneva International Music Competition, has just been elected President of the World Federation of International Music Competitions (WFIMC).

Photo: © Anne-Laure Lechat

Last May, FMCIM announced a new organizational and management model. It will now be run by a single Board of Directors, comprising a Chairman and six elected members.

This new Council replaces the former two-tier structure, consisting of a Committee and a Bureau. Following the elections, the Federation was pleased to announce the appointment of Didier Schnorhk as the new President of the FMCIM.

The Federation has also appointed a Secretary General, based in Geneva, to take on the role of Managing Director. Following an international selection process, Benjamin Woodroffe (Melbourne Chamber Music Competition) was appointed to this position.

Founded in 1957, the World Federation of International Music Competitions represents the leading international music competitions, providing them with essential services and guidelines.

Founded in 1939, the Geneva International Music Competition is one of the most important international music competitions. Its aim is to discover, promote and support young talent, giving them the tools they need to develop an international career. The 70th edition is dedicated to composition and the Laureates Festival and will take place from November 8-15, 2015.

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