A concert with nine organs
Concerts, a camp for young European organists, lectures and children's shows are all part of the program for the 18th Fribourg International Organ Festival, which runs from September 18 to 27.
On this occasion, the City of Fribourg will be hosting the annual congress of the ECHO (European Cities of Historical Organs) association, made up of nine European cities with valuable historic organs. Nine organs, placed for the occasion in the nave of the Collège St-Michel church, will be magnified by organists from all over Europe. This is the Festival's flagship event.
From September 18 to 27, the 18th Festival program features seven concerts, in Fribourg as well as in Bösingen and Bulle. This is an opportunity to showcase Fribourg's renowned instruments, such as the Mooser and Manderscheidt organs.
New for this 18th edition, Fribourg's Christ-Roi church and its great organ from the Felsberg factory (Grisons) will be part of the program for a visual and aural performance; the audience will be able to follow the musician's playing on a large screen.
Celebrating the next generation
This year's program is enhanced by the addition of a youth campA series of courses and visits for young foreign organists accompanying their teachers to Fribourg for a few days. Students from the Haute Ecole de Musique (HEMU) will take part in a master class dedicated to North German music, to be held in the Payerne parish church.
On the children's side, the Festival offers, as usual, a special "young audience" show with a musical tale introducing Johann Sebastian Bach to children. All four school performances are open to the public.
Find out more: www.academieorgue.ch