50,000 francs for labels

For the eleventh time, Migros Culture Percentage launches its promotion program for labels and artist management.

The winners of the 2015 promotion. Photo: Migros

The Migros program is aimed at pop and independent labels and artist management agencies based in Switzerland.

Those with a proven track record and a vision for the future can receive support ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 francs.

To apply, labels must produce mainly in the pop sector (rock, rap, electronic music, etc.), have released at least four albums by Swiss-resident artists in the last 24 months or have provided a similar service, and have been in existence for at least two years.

Artist placement agencies, on the other hand, must look after at least two artists resident in Switzerland, working in the pop sector and having already produced CDs, have been in existence for at least two years, and prove that they perform a complete set of tasks for their artists, such as promotion or prospecting new markets.

Labels and employment agencies can apply more than once to ensure continuity.

Applications can be submitted to the Migros Culture Percentage until December 6.

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