Before and after concerts in the new OCL season

Following its 75th anniversary festivities, the OCL continues to offer a program combining classical and contemporary composers, inviting the greatest names while giving pride of place to new international talent, associating itself with cinema, theater and opera, and becoming ever more deeply rooted in the Lausanne community.

Joshua Weilerstein. Photo:

Following on from last season's success, a new free open house concert will give participants the chance to immerse themselves in the orchestra. It will take place on December 9 at 5 p.m. 

Each evening of major concerts in the Salle Métropole, musicologist Marie Favre interviews the conductor or soloist of the day about the context of the works on the program, how they are approached and how to work with the musicians. After the concert, Club OCL organizes an after-concert party at Duke's Bar. The aim is simple: to bring together the Orchestra's musicians and its audience in a relaxed, convivial atmosphere.

It's in this bar that OCL artistic director Joshua Weilerstein presents his new season on video:

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