Viral musical mosaics

As confinement prevents musicians from playing together, many bands and orchestras have posted videos of each member playing alone at home. Here are a few examples from a non-exhaustive list.

Fribourg's Landwehr, one of the countless musical mosaics on YouTube.

Technology now makes possible a musical activity that, just a few years ago, would have required skills and equipment reserved for professionals: that of playing in a group, but each in his or her own home, and at different times. All that's needed is for each person to play his or her part on a demo recording, film themselves with their phone, and for a kind soul to collect all the videos and edit them. The technique didn't originate with the coronavirus, but the confinement to which we are subjected has led to the multiplication of this procedure, which social networks relay with varying degrees of success. YouTube has a long list of such videos.

OSR offers, for example, an excerpt from Bolero by Ravel, as have also Orchestre national de France, New York Philharmonic and Nice Philharmonic Orchestra. Lyon National Orchestra chose Grieg, Philharmonie de Strasbourg an extract from Carmen, the Moroccan Philharmonic Orchestra play Le Bridge on the River Kwai and the Marseille the theme of Star Wars. Local, Freiburg Landwehr has chosen Spring Fanfare by Abbé Bovet. Some bands combine their video with charity work, as in the case of the Orchestra of Nations who produced his clip in aid of Swiss Solidarity.

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