
Crossmedia: disseminate a message both in print and online

Ads in sections combined with online publication

Job offers, miscellaneous, buying/selling

Advertisements in the print version combined with online publication in the sections job offers, various, purchase/sale :
= ad price +10% online surcharge (min. CHF 20.00)

Courses and events

Announcements in the courses and events sections combined with an entry in the course schedule
= ad price + 20.00/month


Register in the "Service" section and put online (course schedule or recommended links)

Up to 500 characters (including spaces)
1 to 3 months (1 or 2 editions) CHF 200.00
4 to 6 months (3 or 4 editions) CHF 330.00
7 to 12 months (5 to 7 editions) CHF 550.00

Up to 3 lines (max. 150 characters including spaces)
1 to 3 months (1 or 2 editions) CHF 110.00
4 to 6 months (3 or 4 editions) CHF 170.00
7 to 12 months (5 to 7 editions) CHF 250.00

Inserts or ads combined with a banner

Insert or ad price plus 50 % of banner price/month


Print advertorials combined with online distribution

Advertorial price in print plus online CHF 500 (instead of CHF 1000)




by e-Mail


We'll be happy to help you: 044 281 23 21