Print advertising

Advertisement in the print version of Swiss Music Review


Job offers and applications
Buying and selling
Courses and events

Formats and prices

Magazine format: 225 × 305 mm
Print area: 205 × 284 mm

basic price: black and white, plus VAT (8.1%)

Advertisement under CHF 30.
Choice of location (to be discussed) 20 %
Back cover: CHF 2700 - black and white / CHF 4000 - color
Colors (four-color process: 50 % on base price; full-color logo in job ads: CHF 50.-)


Quantity discount on a single booking of several ads in the same format and in the same section. Subject and text changes are possible.
2 appearances 5 % on the ad price, including any supplements
4 appearances 10 % on the ad price, including any supplements
7 appearances 15 % on the ad price, including any supplements

Agency commission: 5 %

Technical data

Offset printing, four-color process, enhanced newsprint quality white paper 55 g/m2, 52 lpcm, image resolution 200 dpi, ink limit 250 %.

Print data
Adobe Acrobat PDF Highres-PDF or PDF/X-3
Adobe Indesign 2019 Assembly, including fonts and images (JPG or TIFF, printable resolution)
Adobe Photoshop Images in JPG or TIFF format, separated in CMYK or grayscale. For text elements, the minimum resolution must be 300 dpi.
Office documents (text ads), integrate high-resolution logos

Limitation of advertisements
0.4 pt, black

Data delivery

CH Media Print AG, Im Feld 6, 9015 St. Gallen


Special forms of advertising


Recommended links and course schedule in the print edition

Advertising inserts

For more information on these formats, please contact us.


Online booking

Please reserve your ads directly by writing to



We'll be happy to help you: 044 281 23 21
or by e-mail: 

For ad booking, the general conditions (GC/data protection) of the Swiss Music Review.