Consultation procedure on the 2016-2019 Culture Message

On May 28, 2014, the Federal Council opened the consultation procedure on the Dispatch on the Promotion of Culture for the years 2016 to 2019 (Culture Dispatch). The Culture Dispatch defines the objectives, measures and funding allocated to the Confederation's cultural institutions for a period of four years.


The Confederation intends to follow three priority lines of action, namely cultural participation, social cohesion and the promotion of creation and innovation. The Federal Council also wants to strengthen collaboration between the federal, cantonal and communal levels to ensure a coherent cultural policy at national level. To implement its cultural policy, the Federal Council is requesting financial resources of CHF 894.6 million.

The Culture Bill defines the strategic directions of the Confederation's cultural policy. It sets out the objectives to be achieved, the measures to be taken and the financial aspects for all the funding areas covered by the Federal Office of Culture, the Pro Helvetia foundation and the Swiss National Museum.

With its Message on Culture 2016-2019, the Federal Council intends to respond to the challenges facing society today, such as globalization, digitization and demographic change. The Confederation wishes to orient its policy along three priority axes: cultural participation, social cohesion and the promotion of creation and innovation. The Federal Council has also set itself the goal of ensuring a coherent cultural policy at national level by improving cooperation between the Confederation, cantons, towns and municipalities.

To implement the Confederation's cultural policy, the Federal Council is requesting a framework credit of CHF 894.6 million, corresponding to an average annual growth rate of 3.4%. It should be noted that the period covered by the Culture Bill will be extended by one year to 2020 at the end of the consultation process, in order to coordinate its timing with that of multi-year funding programs in other fields.

Interested parties are invited to comment on the consultation draft by September 19, 2014. After evaluation of the comments received, the message will be submitted to the Federal Council for approval at the end of the year. It will be processed by Parliament in 2015, with a view to coming into force on January 1, 2016.

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