36 million for music

In 2014, the Suisa Foundation completed its 25th year of activity. Since its creation in 1989, it has supported Swiss musical creation to the tune of over 36 million francs. This support has contributed to the financing of 4100 musical projects and the awarding of over 400 prizes.

Arturo Corrales is the first winner of the Suisa Foundation's "Composer in Residence" prize.

In 1989, the Cooperative of Music Authors and Publishers set up the "Suisa Foundation for Music", now known as the Suisa Foundation. Since its inception, the foundation has promoted contemporary Swiss musical creation in all its diversity.

More than 4100 projects related to contemporary Swiss musical creation have already benefited from the Suisa Foundation's funding. In addition, the Suisa Foundation for Music Authors and Creators has awarded over 400 prizes, including the Suisa Foundation Prize. Endowed with 20,000 francs, this prize is awarded each year to a different musical category. In 2014, the Suisa Foundation awarded the 80,000-franc "Composer in Residence" prize for the first time. Every two years, this prize will be awarded to a composer who contributes to contemporary Swiss musical creation with a particularly innovative project.

2 million francs per year

The Suisa Foundation is financed by a deduction of 2.5% on performance and broadcasting rights collected in Switzerland and Liechtenstein by Suisa. As a result, the foundation has almost 2 million Swiss francs at its disposal each year to promote Swiss musical creation. By renouncing a share of their annual income, Suisa members demonstrate their commitment to the sustainable development of music in Switzerland.

Support in Switzerland and abroad

With its promotional funds, the Suisa Foundation supports Swiss musical creation both at home and abroad. It co-finances joint stands at international trade fairs such as Midem, WOMEX, jazzahead! and Classical:NEXT. Another aspect of the company's business is the publication and sale of anthologies covering all musical genres. By publishing these anthologies, the Suisa Foundation contributes to Switzerland's musical diversity and to the preservation of less commercial musical works.

More info: www.fondation-suisa.ch


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