Suisa for a strong public service

At the Suisa General Meeting, composers, lyricists and music publishers approved and signed a resolution aimed at strengthening public service. In this document, the members of the Suisa cooperative call on the Swiss Parliament to take account of the key role played by licence-fee-funded TV and radio stations.

Broadcasting a high percentage of Swiss music, SRG channels and stations are an indispensable platform for music creators. They enable Swiss music to be discovered and brought to the attention of the general public. 
Around 300 music creators and other guests from politics, associations and the music industry attended Suisa's Annual General Meeting in Zurich on June 23. On this occasion, its members - composers, lyricists and music publishers - pleaded in favor of television and radio stations financed by licence fees. Suisa has drafted a resolution calling on Swiss parliamentarians to consider the role of licence fee-funded channels and stations, and not to weaken their position in the debate on the "No Billag" initiative, or in the event of offensives aimed at restricting the SSR. 

Swiss musicians sound the alarm
For Swiss music creators, these channels and stations are of vital importance, providing a platform for discovering their music. Funded by the licence fee, they fulfill a public service mission that includes entertainment, music and culture. Today, SRG channels and stations broadcast Swiss music of all genres, with a total of 20% of Swiss music - more than twice as much on average as private channels and stations. 

Excellent annual results
At the Annual General Meeting, the Suisa members in attendance approved their cooperative's 2016 financial report. Last year, Suisa recorded the best results in its history and is now in a position to redistribute 128.9 million Swiss francs to composers, lyricists and music publishers.


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